Two special towers and the Romans.
Kallstadt can score points not only with its Saumagen varieties in the glass and on the plate. Among other things, Kallstadt has two striking towers: the church tower with its baroque, onion-like slate dome and the highest Bismarck tower in Rhineland-Palatinate, which stands at the top of the forest in the Kallstadt district.
In the very south of the village is the Roman villa on the Weilberg with its wine press house. If you take it very closely, it belongs to the neighbouring village of Ungstein - but in Roman times no one knew that Kallstadt and Ungstein would even exist...


Kalksteinwand bei Kallstadt

Kallstadt - Freizeitanlage (ehemaliger Sportplatz) Kallsatdt

Kallstadt - Kalksteinwand Kallstadt

Kallstadt - Löwenbrunnen

Kallstadt - Ruine ehemalige Kalkmühle

Kallstadt - Schöner Aussichtspunkt mit Panoramatafel

Kallstadt - St. Salvator Kirche

Kallstadt - Waldschleife Leistadter Steinbruch

Mandelterrasse Bad Dürkheim

Ort mit vielen Mandelbäumen

Ort mit vielen Mandelbäumen


Römervilla am Annaberg

Römisches Kelterhaus

Römisches Weingut Weilberg