Through the vines or into the forest?
Directly around Kallstadt you can choose between three circular hiking trails through the vineyards. East of the village, the Burgundy Trail leads through the vineyards on flat terrain. The Riesling and Saumagen trails run to the west on sloping terrain.
But you can also walk from Kallstadt into the forest or set out on a longer vineyard tour. That's why we also suggest circular trails here that either start from Kallstadt or pass through Kallstadt along the way.
We have listed the individual trails below, the details of the trails are linked directly. However, you can also view a complete overview (for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website) right away.
Some tours are not signposted separately. So that you don't lose your way on site, we recommend the official and free tour planner app of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate (manual German language only). Simply download it and get started.
Wine hike: Saumagenweg - Kallstadt
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 3.7 km ▲▼58 hm
Short hike through the world-famous Saumagen vineyard west of Kallstadt with views over the village and into the Rhine plain.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Burgunderweg - Kallstadt
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 5.6 km ▲▼46 hm
Vineyard hike through the vines east of Kallstadt with views of the Palatinate Forest. Route with no climbs, throughout on paved farm roads with a variety of benches along the way.
We have prepared a detailed description of the route for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Rieslingweg - Kallstadt
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 6.6 km ▲▼112 hm
The Rieslingweg is one of three circular hiking trails around Kallstadt. Follow the trail marking with the wine glass into the Kallstadt vineyards of the famous Saumagen vineyard and enjoy the view of the village and the Rhine plain.
We have prepared a detailed description of the route for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Hike through wine and forest: Kallstadt - Leistadt - Palatinate Forest - Bern Valley
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 9.7 km ▲▼181 hm
The tour leads from Kallstadt through the vineyards towards Leistadt. Afterwards, the trail follows the same route as the Bad Duerkheim hiking trail "Rocks, Fruits and Fossils", first through the Palatinate Forest, through Leistadt and then through the Berntal nature reserve. You will cross the valley incision with its limestone rocks, rich flora and fauna and reach the starting point in Kallstadt via the Rieslingweg.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Kallstadt - Roman vineyard - Bad Dürkheim
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 10.1 km ▲▼108 hm
Panoramic circular hike from Kallstadt via the Roman Weilberg vineyard through the vineyards on the edge of the Palatinate Forest to the neighbouring town of Bad Duerkheim to the Wurstmarktplatz with the Duerkheim giant barrel and adjacent spa park with saltworks. Back you go on a chain of hills over the Michael´s Chapel (Michaelskapelle) past Ungstein to Kallstadt.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Hike through wine and forest: Kallstadt - Forsthaus Weilach
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 12.7 km ▲▼222 hm
Circular hike from Kallstadt through the Saumagen vineyard into the Palatinate Forest to the Palatinate Forest Association hut "In der Weilach" and back again through the vines via the Roman Weilberg vineyard.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Freinsheim - Erpolzheim - Kallstadt
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 12.8 km ▲▼107 hm
Hiking trail through the vineyards around Freinsheim, Erpolzheim and Kallstadt with a visit to the Roman excavation site "Villa am Weilberg" with sarcophagi and grape treading pool from the Roman period.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Weisenheim am Berg - Berntal - Kallstadt - Herxheim am Berg
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 13.4 km ▲▼149 hm
The tour leads from Weisenheim am Berg along the edge of the Haard to Leistadt without any notable climbs. Here begins the entrance to the Felsenberg/Berntal nature reserve. You will cross the valley incision, passing orchard meadows and limestone formations on a natural path. Via the Riesling hiking trail you come to Kallstadt. From here you hike to Herxheim am Berg. You can take a rest under old trees with a great view in the castle garden (Schlossgarten) next to the St. Jakob church. The way back goes above the Bern valley - past the Neolithic cave - and through the vineyards to Weisenheim am Berg.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Freinsheim - Dackenheim - Herxheim am Berg - Kallstadt
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 14.9 km ▲▼111 hm
The hike takes you through the Golfgarten Dt. Weinstraße (golf course), to the castle garden (Schlossgarten) in Herxheim am Berg and past Kallstadt over the Oschelskopf (vineyard with a remarkable monument) back to Freinsheim.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Weisenheim am Berg - Dackenheim - Freinsheim - Kallstadt - Berntal
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 16.2 km ▲▼174 hm
Varied hiking tour through the vineyards and various villages in our holiday region, as well as through the valley incision of the Felsenberg/Berntal nature reserve with its scattered fruit meadows and limestone cliffs.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Wine hike: Freinsheim - Erpolzheim - Bad Dürkheim - Kallstadt

Length and metres of elevation: <=> 16.7 km ▲▼144 hm
Eventful round tour through the vineyards. From Freinsheim you go to Erpolzheim and via Michael´s Chapel (Michaelskapelle) to the Bad Duerkheim Wurstmarktplatz with giant barrel and salt works. Back you walk via the Roman excavation site "Villa am Weilberg" and Kallstadt.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Hike through wine and forest: Kallstadt - Weilach - Bismarck tower - Lindemannsruhe - Berntal
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 17.2 km ▲▼386 hm
Hike from Kallstadt past the Roman Weilberg winery through the vineyards into the Palatinate Forest to the Palatinate Forest Association hut "In der Weilach", the Bismarck Tower and the "Lindemannsruhe" forester's lodge. Passing various natural monuments, the route then leads along the hiking trail "Sieben Waldwunder" (Seven Wonders of the Forest) out of the forest to Leistadt and through the Felsenberg/Berntal nature reserve back to Kallstadt.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)
Hike through wine and forest: Freinsheim - Berntal - Leistadt - Lindemannsruhe - Bismarck Tower - Weilach - Kallstadt
Length and metres of elevation: <=> 24.8 km ▲▼434 hm
Circular hiking tour from Freinsheim through the vineyards and the Felsenberg/Berntal nature reserve into the forest. Via the hiking trail "Sieben Waldwunder" (Seven Wonders of the Forest) and the "Ganerbenweg" to the "Lindemannsruhe" forester's lodge and the Bismarck Tower. Back to Freinsheim it goes from Leistadt again through the vines, past the Roman winery Weilberg and through Kallstadt.
Demanding tour with some ascents.
We have prepared a detailed route description for you.
(for the English translation change languages in the top right corner of the appearing website)