It's all in the mix.
Our calendar of events is full to bursting. Wine festivals, concerts, theatre, cabaret and exhibitions - Freinsheim needs to fear no comparison.with bigger towns.
The Red Wine Walk in Freinsheim kicks off the festival season as early as January. Admittedly, it is usually freezing cold, but the wine is brought to drinking temperature and can be enjoyed wonderfully - a groundbreaking "warm-up" for the next wine festival dates.
Fixed points in the calendar are, of course, the Old Town Festival, the atmospherically unique Town Wall Festival and the Culinary Wine Walk in September, which are all known far beyond the region.
But it is not only the topic of wine that brings locals and guests together in our town. Art and culture create space for encounters. Top-class actors from the cultural scene do the honours in Freinsheim. With a great deal of commitment, voluntary work and passion, a high-quality programme is put together. For example, the classical concerts in the medieval von-Busch-Hof location have gained a lasting reputation and the performing arts are an unforgettable experience in the smallest of spaces - the city wall tower based "TheaderFreinsheim".
What's going on in Freinsheim shows you ...
... our calendar of events
However, there is unfortunately a small "but" to your visit to events at this time. Under the given circumstances, planned events have to be cancelled time and again.
The dates for 2022 - as far as they are fixed and of course we hope that they will take place - are listed below. As soon as we have information about a cancellation, we will inform you here directly in the calendar of events.
Neujahrsgala mit dem Schellack Orchester"
Finnisage zur Ausstellung "Freinsheim Gestern & Heute"
Workshop von Heimatlichter- Bildbearbeitung mit ADOBE LIGHTROOM
Rotweinwanderung mit Fackelwanderung am Freitag
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
Recital Von-Busch-Hof Konzertant
"Frühling, ja du bist's!"
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
"Frühling, ja du bist's!"
Kinderkonzert Von-Busch-Hof Konzertant
Blütenfest mit Jahrgangspräsentation
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
Klavierabend << Belle Époque>> Von-Busch-Hof Konzertant
Liederabend Von-Busch-Hof Konzertant
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
Open Air Konzert Von-Busch-Hof Konzertant
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
Kulinarische Weinwanderung
Orgelkonzerte "Freinsheimer Orgelpunkt"
Orgelabend mit Kai Schreiber